Daily Archives: March 5, 2015

Meet the Members

South Wall is starting something new for our webpage. A “meet the members” section. This will contain posts about one or a few of our members at a time. For the first post we will start with 3 of our probationary members that are starting the Firefighter 1 program at Middletown Fire Academy.


kraftProbationary Fireman Robby Kraft joined South Wall Fire Rescue in 2014. Robby came to us from a neighboring firehouse with a working knowledge of the volunteer fire service. According to Robby, his attraction to our brotherhood and pride are what brought him into our firehouse. Robby is currently enrolled in the Middletown Township Fire Academy with two of his peers. 






goetzProbationary Fireman Conor Goetz joined South Wall Fire Rescue in 2013. Connor is a third generation fireman at South Wall. His grandfather Eric and father Peter had both urged Connor to carry on the family name at South Wall. Connor found a sense of direction and camaraderie with South Wall and has grown exponentially. Connor achieved Junior Fireman of the Year for 2013.





liskowskiProbationary Firefighter Tom Lisowski joined South Wall Fire Rescue in November 2014. Tom came to us after seeing his older brother join and excel rather quickly among the younger members. He was also influenced to join by a family friend from a neighboring firehouse. Tom found a true home among our firehouse and has made life long friends. In his short time here, he has achieved the Junior Fireman of the Year award for 2014.